Karate Moves (ages 4-5)
Member: $35 Non-Member: $70
Children develop respectful behavior and basic karate hand and foot techniques. Optional parent participation is encouraged to support a shy child.
Low-Rank Kids Karate (1st-7th Grade)
Member: $45 Non-Member: $90
This class will teach basic karate stances, hand defense, kicking, punching, sparing, and Bo Staff, emphasizing self-discipline, respect for others, and karate for self-defense only. Students with the proper rank and maturity refine their skills and develop a deeper understanding of karate while preparing for adult classes.
High-Rank Class (Grades 1st-7th)
Member: $45 Non-Member: $90
Students with the proper rank and maturity refine their skills and develop a deeper understanding of karate while preparing for adult classes.
Adult Karate Class (Ages 12 and up)
Member: $50 Non-Member: $100
Training includes stances, punching, kicking, blocking, breathing, katas self-defense, and body conditioning. As students progress, weaponry and advanced techniques are added. All grades below the black belt and black-belt degrees can be earned. Promotional certification seminars for degree advancement are available. The cost of each certificate is $35.00 with the exception of black belts.